Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Cubs First Basketball Game

A year after starting our first organized sport (soccer) someone thought it was a good idea to sign the boys up for basketball.  We loved our soccer group so much that when asked if we wanted to play basketball with the same group of boys it was too hard to say no...I really didn't envision basketball starting at 4 years old, but after I watched this cuteness Saturday I'm totally hooked!  The boys would be disappointed I'm not posting the clip where they scored their baskets, but honestly this is the best of all the clips, plus the lady sitting next to me did the best job narrating!  I loved sitting next to her!  Too bad she was a mom from the other team because I want to sit next to her at every game!  Ok, so watch closely, Reid is #13 and is the one with the "goooood dribble" according to the sweet anonymous mom. I wish I had a video clip of Grant trying to play tag with 'his man' in the 4th quarter (long game for Grant), or going for his shot (no matter how many whistles) after he was called for traveling!  Thank you boys for such a fun Saturday!


Tonight Grant asked me why he doesn't have an imagination, so I respond with "you do, we all do!" Before I had a chance to elaborate, he says (and demonstrates with his eyes) "but when I close my eyes, nothing comes" (insert hand motion, palms up, and head shake) was after that I was able to explain a little more about our imagination. Shortly after that he gives me this little bit of advice..."mommy if your pillow gets hot, just flip it over".  I asked where he learned that, and same palms up and he says I just thought it.  I told him he was so smart, and he responds, "yeah (with his southern drawl) I'm a genius"...whoahhhh no self esteem issues here!  lol   I LOVE these moments though, one of the best parts of being Grant's mommy!  Here is a picture of this silly boy before school the other day....very interesting fashion choice this day.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Family Tradition

Finally getting around to posting our Christmas pictures, and warning there are quite a few!  I think the look on Reid's face in this first picture just about sums up our month of December....a whirlwind of excitement and fun!  We kicked off the season with a few traditions and a couple new fun adventures too....

Reid after finding our elf Buddy made his big arrival bringing with him a North Pole Breakfast (thank you pinterest for adding this breakfast to our Christmas traditions).

This was our 3rd year getting visits from Buddy, but this year has by far been the most fun we've had with him yet!  The boys are always unsure of him at first...."hmmm not sure about this guy"

 Buddy brought powdered donuts, and 'Cutie' oranges for breakfast, and even brought Christmas jammies and socks!

 Payne got this cute little penguin ornament from Buddy

 the boys quickly warmed up to Buddy, and started whispering their Christmas wishes to him.

 Payne just being a cutie pie...

 we wasted no time kicking off the holiday festivities the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  We had breakfast at our favorite breakfast place in Fort Worth (Yogi's) and then off to the FWMSH to see Polar Express at the Omni...
We love our visits to the museum!  Thank you Dave & Katie for our membership, still one of the best gifts we have ever received! 

 The boys really grew attached to Buddy this year...way more than in years past.  They began arguing over who would sit next to Buddy at the table, and they wanted to make sure Buddy was as close to them as possible, and in this picture Reid wanted him to watch him color.  They drew many pictures for Buddy and Santa, and frequently would talk to Buddy telling him all kinds of things!  I walked in one morning to Reid holding up his latest piece of artwork to Buddy and asking him to take it to Santa....I wish I had a video it was beyond precious...he was so sincere!

 Buddy had a few mishaps along the way, like when he made this snow angel...

Or got stuck in the mail drop, but the boys loved getting up every morning to race and find him in his latest hiding spot.

 Of course we made our annual trip with Grammy, Pops, and the Speece's to the tree farm to pick out a tree for the boys to decorate.  This year was extra special because Matt & Marta got to join us!

The boys have so much fun together at the tree silliness

 The boys on "Christmas hat day" at school

Ready for their school play (Grant started doing model poses for me out of the clear blue...I'll spare you the next few in this series...pretty sure he thought he was Marky Mark the way he was posing...if he even knew who that was)

....and my Joseph (Reid) and Wise Man (Grant) with their friends Sydney and Bella after their school play.  They were so cute, and so proud of their roles!

 Capturing the glow...

 Headed over to Nana & Papa's for Turman/Nicholson Christmas

 Cute boys

Helping momma wrap presents 

 Uncle Dave and the boys playing in their new tent from Dave & Katie

 O'Dwyer Christmas on 12/23/12

 Nicholson Christmas on Christmas Eve morning


 My boys

 A special visit from Pap & Nana Nik Nik on Christmas Eve

 Payne getting Pap snuggles...

 Getting Santa plenty of cookies

 Busting through the streamers (thank you Buddy) on Christmas morning

 Daddy tortured the boys a little making them wait until he was ready to open gifts

 Charlie boy was loving his daddy this morning...

 the Darth Vader mask was a hit

Payne and his Pups 

 Santa knows what boys like...

 baby boy and his Santa surprises...

 We hosted my family for Christmas this year....

 sweet girl in her her pretty dress...

Payne talks to Dada on his phone

As promised a little video of Payne talking to his Dada on his phone.  He loves to talk to him on anything that remotely resembles a phone, and this day he heard the chime of a text message come through from him on my phone and he picked up his hand and started chatting it up with his Daddy.  Needless to say Dada was his first word, and he has just added 'Ball' to his vocabulary too...he loves a ball as much as Reidy did/does!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Not giving up yet....

Oh my poor blog how I keep trying to abandon you....I won't let you go yet though, I'm still holding out for a few more years.  Even if I only find time to post once in a blue moon, or for each of the big holidays I'm going to try to keep you up for a while longer.  It's been so fun to look back over the past 5 years (wow!  can't believe it's been that long since we started this journey), so although I know I still have Christmas to post, here are a few random pictures that I wanted to share from the past few months.

 Pumpkin boy

 Jason took his Pearce Mustangs to State....again, funny I think this is the norm, but he likes to tell me that the majority of coaches will NEVER go to either way we're proud :)

 Grant & Uncle Cody at the boys Thanksgiving Feast

 We went to San Marcos to watch Jason coach his team in the State Championship

 While we were there we ate at the Gristmill with the team in Gruene, TX....such a cute little town!

 Birthday boy waking up...

 and sleeping...not sure if it's creepy or not, but I have lots of these sleeping pictures...I love them!

Park Fun...Payne's first slide 

The boys love their footy jammies this time of year!  Payne's hair is very tame in this picture must have been a dry cold day because his hair is usually pretty wild and curly 

 Happy boy

 and happy reindeer....

 studying up on what his Reidy is doing...

 with his girl Landry...what is better than 1 little round headed baby, but 2!!  Love these babes!

Grant napping with his precious Duke.  I know what you're thinking wth is all over Duke??  Grant stuck these little finger lights he got for Christmas all over Duke so he could see to perform Shark surgery on Duke's this smart little boy!