Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall is in the Air!

We've been enjoying the cooler weather lately. The boys had Logan over for a play date, and the weather was perfect for playing in the backyard!

Grant and Logan
Reid really wanted me to watch how he swings all by himself, but of course I haven't masterd my action photography yet so these pics will have to do.

First hot cocoa of the season....

We were getting ready for Daddy's volleyball game, and snapped this pic of Reid and his 'signature look'. I get this look every day when I drop him off for school...it's the final step to our morning 'goodbye' after about 20 "I love you's", kisses, eskimo's, and "Have a nice day's".

...and Daddy won the game yay!!

Jason won the Regional Championship his first year as head coach at JJ Pearce! Not a bad start!

Happy Halloween!!

We had so much fun Trick or Treating with Blakey again this year! Transfomers and Darth Vader were the costumes of choice. The boys collected tons of candy, and had so much fun taking inventory in their spooky Halloween jammies! And this blog would not be complete if I failed to post the picture of Uncle Jay in his bumble bee costume, nothing like coordinating tutus for Daddy and daughter!

Adventures with Grammy & Pops

The boys got a very special treat this year...a trip to the State Fair with Grammy and Pops! This has been on my list of things to do since I was the boys age, and one of these days I'll actually make it out to the fair! Anyhow, I think the pictures speak for themselves, but let's just say there was no shortage of excitement from the train ride to Fair Park, to seeing Big Tex, all the fun rides (they even rode the big scary ferris wheel!! Yikes!) to the cotton candy and corny dogs, and even a the sleep over with Grammy & Pops to top it all off! While the boys were enjoying themselves with G&P Jason and I had his 20 year High School reunion! lol I can't believe we're ( I mean Jason) is getting so old!! :)

Thank you for such a fun day Grammy & Pops!