Friday, March 13, 2009

Playing on the Front Porch at 1216 Marydale

We said goodbye to our little 2 bedroom 1 bath house at 1216 Marydale a little over a month ago now, and since this blog has been in draft mode now since March I figured it's about time to catch up on my posts. Who knew moving could be such a long involved process?!?! As much as I will always love that little house, I really have no idea why I waited so long to move into something a little least something with 2 bathrooms :) The boys have adjusted well to the "new house", and love having a play room. Jason and I love having our own closets, and I can't wait to host my first dinner party! There is still so much work to do, but at least now we have some space....I feel so grown up :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

A Boy and His Ruff

Reid has one true love right now and his name is Ruff. He loves Ruff with his whole heart and takes him everywhere he goes. We began to worry when we accidently left left Ruff at school one day and Reid began to cry and ask for Ruff. I told him we left him at school and he would curl his lip out and make this horrible sad face...then I told him "but daddy will go get him" and he would say "K"...and he was ok for a minute...30 seconds later he would being to whimper again, and say "Ruff go??" I told him again that "we left him at school"...and he immediately turned down the lip and poured on the tears again....we did this over and over until daddy came back from school with Ruff. It was that night I began the search for my first ebay purchase...."Porter the Puppy". I think I paid at least double what I paid for him originally when Babystyle was still open and a girl could get a fair deal on a ruff, but I thought it would be worth it in the tragic event something horrible happened to Reid's dear 'Ruff'.
So we got him in the mail last week, and silly me thought it would be a good idea to see Reid's reaction. I showed him 'Ruff #2' and as you can see below it was love at first sight...afterall what could be better than 1 Ruff, but 2?!? The only problem was that after he saw him he didn't want to give up either one...not a smart move on my part i know...but we all have days where we're not thinking straight. The next few days were spent trying to sneak the 'backup Ruff' away so we could save him...just in case we really need him some day.

Ruff #1 and #2

Brotherly Love

I thought I should document as many of these moments as possible...