Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Easter 2010

This year we spent Easter without Daddy since he was in New Orleans for a tournament. This made church extra fun with two 3 year olds :) It was the boys first time to not go to the nursery. They decided to join me for "big boy church"...thank goodness Grammy & Pops were there to help, because as good as they were I still needed a little assistance. The boys recap of the service was perfect....Reid said "we go to big boy church and sing songs, and stand up sit down, and go to the front for a story (a.k.a. children's message). They were fascinated by the choir and the bells. Thank goodness there was lots of singning! The boys favorite Easter greeting was "He has risen indeed! Alleuia" and so much cuter when they say it!

After church we came home to find the Easter bunny had come and left the boys "bunny baskets". They were so excited of course, and could hardly sit for a picture before they were begging me to open their toys. We had a quick visit with Nana and Papa complete with our very own private Easter egg hunt. We wished we could have stayed longer, but we had more Easter fun to be had so we were off to Gigi and Pa-pa's. We had fun playing in the yard, and visiting with all the family. We had another Easter egg hunt with cousin Blakey and found lots of eggs. The day ended with Grant pulling the bird bath over on his leg, which gave him a nice big boo-boo. Good thing he's my tough boy! It was a long busy day, but tons of fun!

The best part of his Easter if you ask Grant...he got "Wingo", and managed to snag Reid's "DJ" too. He loves cars, and has been wanting these guys for a while. He doesn't leave the house without them now.

Trying to get a quick picture of them together..."hurry up mom"

Please mom, please open it...please!

These are just a couple of the treats Grammy made the boys. These were so cute (the pictures don't do them justice) white chocolate bunnies complete with edible grass.

1 comment:

  1. I love their little Easter outfits!! The blazers are so grown up! I'm proud of them for being so good in church because that's a huge feat!!

    And of course Grammy's Easter treats are SO creative, and SO her!! I love that idea!
