Monday, September 14, 2009

Not my little angel...

Well it's official we had our first bad word....from my sweet little Grant! How 'G.D.' could come out of the mouth of this sweet little thing...well you'll have to ask Jason how that happened, but Aunt Jenny you will appreciate this part...last night after Reid accidentally knocked over Jason's drink with the volleyball Grant uttered those words...and I didn't quite catch it until Jason pointed it out, so I asked him..."Grant what did you say?" ...."I said G.D. mamma, I said G.D." lol made me think of your little girl story! haha I mean seriously....from this sweet little lovey?!?!


  1. Oh no, sounds like I need to spend some more time with my Godson to show him the right path to be going down... None of this "GD" crap! I blame Jason!

  2. Hilarious! And yes, that story totally sounds like me at his age :)
