Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Monday Night With the Boys

Monday night was such a fun night with the boys. They gave me so many laughs I thought I needed to write them down. Lately the boys have been trying to dress themselves...I suppose it's that independence thing, which is somewhat bitter sweet...so when Reid managed to put his undies on all by himself the other night I told him he was getting to be "such a big boy", and it made me sad because I wanted him to stay a bitty baby...he put his arms around my neck, patted my back and said "don't cry mama, don't cry". I mean so sweet because it was so sincere too...lol.
Next Grant notice my nice big red zit in the middle of my forehead...not hard to miss really, but here's how that went down:
Grant: "mama, someone hit you??"
Me: "No baby no one hit me"
Grant: "mama, you hit your head on the wall??"
Me: "No baby, mommy just has a booboo"
Grant: "mama, need a bandaid??"
Ha! So sweet all the concern they have for me these days...
Shortly after that I noticed Reid had been M.I.A. for at least 5 or 10 minutes, coincidently I had just told him that he had to either put up the lollypop he had been carrying around, or he needed to put it in his pink heart purse to save it for later. So as I walk down the hall to his room I notice little pieces of candy wrapper on the floor. I find him hiding under the blankets in his bed with a half eaten lollypop! I wish I had a picture of the look on his face when I caught him...absolutely priceless! It took everything I had to not bust out laughing. Poor baby had to go a whole day without any "pwizes" for going potty :( It was really hard not to give in, but we made it through the day, and today he's getting lots of prizes!
I can't wait to see what they come up with tonight!

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