Saturday, May 5, 2012

Lots of Firsts...

We have had a lot of firsts the past few weeks...

 First slurpee...

 First haircut (more like a trim, but I think it counts)...

 First time riding with no training wheels...these boys are very proud of this one!

 First popsicle....

 First concert!  They had so much fun singing and dancing along to the Fresh Beat Band!  Mommy had a so much fun just watching how excited they were, and maybe she secretly like a few of the songs too...

Rocking out!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring is in Full Swing

 So far April has included play dates at the park where Reid practiced his favorite thing these days (the monkey bars), the boys Easter program at school where they led the Lenten service, a road trip to Houston to visit Dave & Katie.  Dave had an action packed weekend planned for the boys complete with fishing, golf, tennis, soccer, and park fun!  Jason and I took Grant & Reid for their first round of golf, and just had the BEST time!  The boys kicked off the pool season last Saturday at Grammy & Pops'...that might be a record for us...April 7th...way too cold for me, but funny how you don't mind the cold when you're 5!  Of course who could forget a fun filled Easter celebration with our cousins, and endless amounts of mischief from our sweet Charlie Payne!  I think we're off to a good start...can't wait to see what else April will bring!


Random Fun and Silliness

It still amazes me how fast time flies when you're having fun!  Here are some random pictures of the fun we have been having the last 2 months.